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I hope my story resonates with you and we can get started on a journey of discovery together!


My Story

I spent most of my adult life pretending to have it all together.


I did it pretty well. I made it through college and found some incredible friends along the way. I earned a good living, first as a journalist, then as a technology executive. I got married in my twenties and had three children before I was 35. 


There was plenty of light in the picture—joy, love and laughter. But also a lot of frustration, yelling, and tears. My wife and I papered over conflicts without truly communicating. My relationship and parenting skills were far from stellar. I bottled up a lot of rage and considered that a success. Without the tools or courage to grow, I stayed stuck in an ever-deepening rut. 


There was no one "aha" moment that prompted me to change. Rather, it was fatigue with having the same recurring conflicts. Feeling a disconnection with my children and seeing them mimic my bad behavior. Perpetual anxiety about work despite the appearance of success and advancement. And eventually the realization that, with only one lifetime to live, I needed to know if things could be better. If I could be better.​


So I started on a path of learning, reflection and practice that will continue for the rest of my life. I discovered the power of mindfulness and the insights of modern interpersonal neurobiology and evolutionary psychology. I trained as a Co-Active coach and learned how to guide myself and others to transformation.


Today I am both proud and humbled by how much I've grown. My relationships with my loved ones are deepening all the time. My inner voices are almost always kind to me. There's curiosity where the anger used to be. And I am frequently dizzy from a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the beauty all around me. I am living proof that change is possible.


​I live in Portland, OR, and when I’m not working, you can find me exploring nature with our dogs, swimming or biking, picking my guitar on the porch, or geeking out over complex adaptive systems, evolution, and genetics.

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